The city of Oulu exceeded the savings target of the municipal agreement on energy performance by 542 % during the contract period 2008–2016. The baseline (2005) was 184,8 GWh. The savings target for Oulu was 16,6 GWh, which equals to 9 % of the city's total energy consumption. However, the savings achieved was as much as 90,2 GWh.

The city of Oulu exceeded the savings target of the municipal agreement on energy performance by 542 % during the contract period 2008–2016. The baseline (2005) was 184,8 GWh. The savings target for Oulu was 16,6 GWh, which equals to 9 % of the city's total energy consumption. However, the savings achieved was as much as 90,2 GWh.
Oulu is committed to the agreement on energy performance in the municipal sector, which aims primarily at improving the energy efficiency. At the same time, it promotes the use of renewable energy and aims at reducing greenhouse gases. Energy savings, of course, have a positive effect on municipal economy.
Säästöä tuli sopimuskaudella yli 90GWh
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Actions taken in Oulu serve as a model for other municipalities
Oulu has managed to save energy for example by switching street lights to LED lights and through predictive quality control on new construction sites. Energy audits have been carried out for the buildings owned by Oulun Tilakeskus (Oulu Facilities Centre), and action proposals have been implemented. These include the change of showers in the local swimming halls, the solar power station of the main library as well as changes in heating from oil to geothermal or district heating.
“At the end of the contract period, altogether 137 municipalities were involved, most of which reached their target. Oulu exceeded its savings target by more than five times – only one other municipality was able to exceed its target twice. We can be proud of ourselves”, says Johanna Mäkelä, Energy Specialist in Oulu Facilities Centre.
New contract period already ongoing
The City of Oulu is committed to contribute to the new contract period until 2025. During this period, the goal is to achieve 25 GWh savings. The owner’s, i.e. Oulun Tilakeskus Public Utility, share of savings is almost half or 12 GWh.
In the current contract period, the aim is to generate savings through ESCO projects. This year, major measures have already been taken for example in the local swimming hall, where one gigawat savings are generated with LED lights and rinsing water recovery.